Oral hygiene
The good and periodic oral hygiene Provides a mouth with a healthy look and smell, avoiding future problems in our oral health. Therefore, the daily care of the patient is essential, from our clinics we also always recommend the patient's periodic visit to the clinic to carry out their reviews, assess hygiene and maintenance of the mouth in case you need any dental treatment
Professional advice for proper hygiene.
As professionals we know that laziness always appears when it comes to taking care of your mouth but from our clinics we try to instill the habit so that little by little our patients in addition to brushing their teeth, use dental floss, interproximal toothbrushes ... and your mouth is always perfect.
Oral Hygiene Treatments
Mouth cleaning
Oral cleanings are one of the most common treatments for dental prophylaxis. It is a procedure that fulfills an important function for the prevention of some dental diseases.
Roughly, dental cleaning consists of removing tartar and stains that are on the teeth or under the gums. This procedure usually lasts between 30 and 40 minutes and it is very little bothersome for the patient.
Periodontal Treatments
The main objective of periodontal treatments is to clean the periodontal pockets that cause inflammation and tissue damage., apart from preventing future damages.
It consists of cleaning tartar or stones and disinfecting the area of the tooth below the gum.. Depending on the degree of involvement of the patient, these treatments can be without surgery or with surgery. However, early detection allows the treatment to be much milder and the results are spectacular..
Dr. Alberto Cerezo is an expert in periodontics.
Advantages of correct dental hygiene
With good dental hygiene, future periodontal complications are successfully prevented and teeth are kept in perfect condition., looking like this, a healthy smile and avoiding bad breath. For hard-to-reach areas where food debris can accumulate, painless treatments are practiced with which great results are achieved from the first moment.
Request your Appointment now
Your first date is totally Free. You can call us at the following phone number or leave us your information and we will contact you.
952 46 67 33
952 62 55 21